Some regular visitors to this site may be wondering why the
Katrina Memo has mostly gone silent for the past few months. Part of the explanation has to do with the fact that I've been going through a major transition in my personal and professional life.
I decided the easiest way to explain was simply to post a copy of the announcement that I'm sending to friends and colleagues. My plan is to resume posting commentary after May 1st.
Haverhill, Massachusetts, March, 2008
This may come as a surprise to some friends and colleagues. On May 1st I will be relocating in Dublin, Ireland.
As many of you know, I’ve had a close relationship with my native Ireland for a long time. The good news is that I’ll continue to visit the United States on a regular basis. At the professional level I plan to be available for clients and former clients. And in Ireland I’ll collaborate with my friend and colleague Jean Roberts of Sligo. I also hope to revisit that memoir that I’ve been working on for a few years.
My address in Ireland is in the Kilnamanagh section of Dublin…about 25 minutes by commuter rail from the City Center. Of particular note for friends on this side of the pond is the fact that my house has two guest rooms!!
This is an opportune time to thank all of my friends – personal and professional – who have provided support during all the years I’ve been based in Massachusetts. I hope I can continue to enjoy the wonderful relationships established.
As some of you will have noticed, I’ve mostly suspended posting commentary on my news blog ( My hope is to re-launch this blog after I’m settled in Ireland…and I’ll publish commentary from an Irish/European perspective. Let’s stay in touch! I’ve posted contact information below. Between now and May 1st I can be reached on my (U.S.) mobile phone at 857-389 2113 or by email at
Best wishes and kind regards.
Ed Deevy.
Contact Information:
Ireland: 6 Birchview Close, Kilnamanagh, Tallagh, Dublin 24
USA: P.O. Box 961786, Boston, MA 02196
Phone: 01/4420223
353/1/4420223 (USA)
085 1529535 (Mobile)