Thursday, July 12, 2007

Senator's Sex Scandal...

Senatore David Vitter of Louisiana has a PR problem. He has built his political career as a champion of Christian values. Back in the days when Clinton had his problems Vitter wrote an Op Ed in the Times-Picayune (New Orleans) asserting that Clinton was "morally unfit" to hold the office of President.

With the news at Vitter made visits to prostitutes in DC and New Orleans it will be interesting to see how the voters of Louisiana react. Historically, the people of Louisiana have had a lot of tolerance for the sins of their politicians. Edwin Edwards boasted about his gambling and womanizing and he still got reelected.

My bet us that Senator Vitter will survive this scandal. Maybe he'll focus on helping New Orleans recover from Hurricane Katrina...and spend less energy on telling other people how to live their private lives.


Looks like Senator Vitter is in some trouble with the voters of Louisiana. The Times-Picayune has this commentary in today's edition (Friday).