The return of Al Gore...

The documentary "An Inconvenient Truth" chronicles Al Gore's effort to bring greater attention to the dangers of climate change. I understand George Bush doesn't plan to see the film. Gore has offered to come to the White House any time, any day to show Bush either the documentary or a slide show on global warming that he's presented more than 1,000 times around the world. Won't happen.
Yesterday morning Gore was on the Today Show to talk about his new documentary. Katie Couric asked him if he had plans for 2008. He gave his usual response: "I don't intend to be a candidate ever again." Despite his protestations there is momentum building in support of a Gore candidacy.
A few days ago Daily Kos conducted a conducted a "fantasy"poll of preferences. Out of ten thousand who voted in the course of a few hours 68% selected Al Gore as their preference. Compare this with less than 1% for Hillary Clinton. Of course the folks over at Daily Kos are progressive Democrats somewhat left of center.
What do you think? Will Gore run in 2008 or will he be drafted by supporters?
Photo: Eric Lee / Paramount Classics. (Courtesy of Truthout)
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