Joining the military: A good job opportunity?

Photo shows marine Corps Lance Cpl. Blake Miller (right), counting pull-ups by a young man at a Marine Corps recruiting booth set up for the annual Hillbilly Days festival in Pikeville, Kentucky. While battling post-traumatic stress, Miller, 21, helps the Corps with local recruitment efforts because he thinks the military provides good job opportunities for the youth of Eastern Kentucky, a region where most people make a living mining coal.
I wonder how many sign-up for the military simply because it is the best option available. My guess is that most of the recruits come from poorer communities. Kids from more affuent communities go to college.
If you were faced with the choice of making a living mining coal or serving in the Marine Corps which would you choose?
Photo: Luis Sinco / The LA Times. (Courtesy of Truthout)
Just heard that five miners were killed in a mine explosion in Eastern Kentucky last night. It is dangerous work.
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